About MArk KELLY
Mark’s a big platform/idea, content-generating; Commercial Director, Creative Director, Writer/Art Director, Producer,/Editor/Phtog.,/Consultant. Working for over 20 years in the ad business, producing memorable ad platforms/campaigns, guiding young creatives on how to come up with the big idea/content that can be used in any medium. He shoots video & b-roll video & photos and generally enjoys the process of coming up with the big ideas/content - Mark recently went back to school, film school. He enrolled at The Film Connection and is currently working with Director and Founder of Alphabet City Films, Zef Cota. He uses his knowledge of the “big idea” to craft content.
He loves to take on new creative projects. Text or call him.
Awards: The usual bunch, including several coveted Gold Effies.
Mark lives in Forest Hills with his wife and kids, and their puppy Appa.
See contact page to get in touch with Mark.